Why invest in mining?
For many years there has been the idea that it is only possible to be an investor if you have large amounts of capital, especially when it comes to mining. And that is the first paradigm we are breaking. At LIG we have democratized investment in mining, giving anyone access to this national and American industry, through plans in which it is possible to participate with amounts ranging from USD 1,000, with excellent rates of return and ZERO risk.
And that is the second paradigm we are breaking. Investing with LIG has “ZERO” risk. Because depending on the plan, and with a cap of USD 500 thousand, we guarantee a rate of return in all events, regardless of any fluctuations in the value of metals, specific contingencies, or global pandemics. That is why we now call our small investors FINANCIAL, because they are partners who finance different stages of the development of a mining project, obtaining guaranteed profits and the return of their capital in short terms, previously defined.